Greetings & Welcome

I'm RevMo Crystal Hardin. Wife. Mother. Recovering Attorney. Photographer. Episcopal Priest. Writer. Preacher.

I often don’t know what I believe until I’ve written or preached it, and the preaching craft is one of my greatest joys. In an effort to refine that craft, I post sermons and musings here for public consumption.

CV, here
Publications, here



This blog is equal parts therapy, practice, and an attempt to join an ongoing conversation about theology that has encouraged and inspired me in my journey. Blogging, especially on the topic of religion, feels in many ways presumptuous. And, yet, here I am. While a part of me doubts that I have anything to offer to the conversation, I know that I have a unique voice to contribute. We all do. So, this is me leaning into my vulnerability. I will share here my own thoughts, struggles and experiences. I have no answers and a lot of questions, and I'm okay with that. 

Welcome. I hope you'll join me.

Grieving in Place

Grieving in Place